Cookie CEO Badge


Recently, I was invited to speak at Troop 17817’s Girl Scout zoom meeting. It was a lot of fun; the enthusiasm of the girls was inspiring, and I even met a few of their pets that evening – including two particularly memorable parakeets.

The theme of the meeting was earning a “Cookie CEO” badge. I mean, honestly, who doesn’t want a Cookie CEO badge?  I learned that to earn badges there are steps involved, and Step One was: Talk to a female business owner about how she finds out what her customers want. That was my cue, so I shared about Hello Feedback, and how I listen to my customers’ suggestions and use them to make Hello Cookie stronger.  I talked about how this process led to the idea of individually wrapped cookies, shifting from exclusively local to national shipping, and helped us expand into the corporate gifts market.

The night’s primary focus was on the upcoming cookie sales, setting goals, and making it work with COVID-19.  I was totally impressed with the Girl Scout marketing strategies. They were smart, sophisticated and yet relatable to the girls. We talked about researching the grocery store cookie aisle, surveying people who buy cookies and why, and lots more.

After the meeting, I got to thinking about the joy cookies bring. How they create connections and special memories and how I might help the Girl Scouts (although I think they’ve got it down) keep the cookie love going. So, I bought cookies from Lily, my favorite newly-badged Cookie CEO.

Because at Hello Cookie, sharing experience and support with the community is as important as sharing the love with cookies. 

UPDATE:  I just learned that the initial goal for Troop 17817 was 800 boxes combined, and they’re already at 1200!  Proof that when you pair girl power with great cookies the results are amazing!

P.S.  Next stop for Hello Cookie’s local community initiative – the Joyce Food Shelf in Uptown!

Pat Wright